My research interest is focused on biodegradable polymers with the possible application in agriculture, medicine and particularly in the packaging technologies as well as degradation study of polyesters in different environments: (i) abiotic hydrolytic degradation in the laboratory conditions, (ii) degradation process in cosmetic simulants, (iii) degradation under industrial composting conditions in container system and industrial composting pile. The research include determination of chemical structure-property relationship of polyesters and their tailoring for application as cosmetic packages as well as evaluation of their biocompatibility, biodegradability mechanical behaviour and deterioration during the contact with major cosmetic components.
Oct 2005 Ph.D. in chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
July 1992 M.Sc. in chemistry, speciality agrobiochemistry, Opole University, Opole, Poland
2010/2011 Trade expert PO IG FORSURF: Foresight of surface properties formation leading technologies of engineering materials and biomaterials
Apr 2004/Apr 2005 Dissertation Polish Grant, Model structures of biodegradable aliphatic polyesters containing elements of proteome
Sept 2003/Mar 2004 Marie Curie Fellowship, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Substrate Profiling of Cyclobutanones for Microbial Baeyer-Villiger Oxidations